The CSR Newsletters are a freely-available resource generated as a dynamic complement to the textbook, Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Sustainable Value Creation.

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Monday, February 9, 2009

Strategic CSR - Companies and NGOs

The article in the url below maps out the advantages and disadvantages, for both sides, of alliances between NGOs and corporations (Issues: NGO and Corporate Cooperation, p192). On the one hand:

“What is in it for the companies? First, contact with NGOs provides intelligence. … Second, company executives have their own values; many privately agree with NGOs. … Third, companies think a relationship with an NGO gives them a seal of approval.”

On the other hand:

“What is in it for the NGOs? This one is simple: companies donate money. They also deliver. They have staff around the world, they operate across borders and have technical expertise.”

In terms of disadvantages:
“… there are dangers on both sides. Both companies and NGOs have reputations to protect.”

The interesting point that emerges from the article, however, is the recognition by both sides that the answer to any given problem lies within either corporations and/or NGOs. Government is viewed as an ineffective partner, at best, and an impediment to progress, at worst. This is particularly felt to be the case in tackling international issues. The article’s author, however, makes the point that the fact that corporations and NGOs increasingly have to take on responsibilities that previously would have been dealt with by governments is cause for concern:

“… because neither companies nor NGOs formally answer to us as citizens.”

Take care

Bill Werther & David Chandler
Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility
© Sage Publications, 2006

Why companies and campaigners collaborate
Skapinker, Michael
822 words
8 July 2008
Financial Times
Asia Ed1